Fried Zucchini with Fried Fish
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Trout Fish Fried with Zucchini is one of the healthy food recipes. Trout fish with high omega-3 fatty acids and proteins and low fat. Zucchini include a lot of vitamins. Eat both of them together are good for your healthy.

Do you want eat deep fried fish or light fried fish? Deep fried fish, almost everyone who like cook can do it. You can see deep fired fishes in so many restaurants. Deep fried fish need use a lot of cooking oil. At the point of viewing healthy diet, I like to cook with less oil. Light fried fish, this is the way that I introduce to you now. This use less cooking oil to fry the fish in the pan. Prepare the fish first, add just 1 tbs. oil in the pan, medium heat to fry the both sides. Yes, I saw there is still left some oil in the pan, so I slice a small zucchini and put it into the pan to fry around 1-2 minutes. Then take the fish out. The fish was cooked with flavor. Yummy! Eating the zucchini with the fish together is still delicious even though you don’t add any flavor to the zucchini. However, you can add some flavor to the cooked zucchini. Such as, a pinch of salt, or a little hot sauce, or soy bean sauce, whatever you want. This plate is enough for 1-2 people to eat. You can add a bread or vegetable cakes such as, lazy pizza that the recipe was mentioned previously.  it will be a good fish meal plate, pleas see the right picture.Fried Fish and Zucchini Meal plate

How to cook Trout Fish Fried with Zucchini? please see the below detail.


Time: 20   Minutes                                                      Serve 1-2


½ lb. Trout fish

1 tsp. corn starch

1 tsp. cooking wine

1 tsp. brown sugar

1 tsp. soy sauce.

½ tsp. salt

½ cumin powder

3 slices ginger

1 tsp. Chile powder (option)

1 small zucchini


  • Clean the fish and cut to 4-6 pieces and put in a container. Add 1 tsp. corn starch, 1 tsp. cooking wine,1 tsp. brown sugar,1 tsp. soy sauce,½ tsp. salt,½ cumin powder, make sure the seasoning cover on the fish. Sit it there for 2-5 minutes.
  • Slice the zucchini and sit there for using late.Slices of Zucchini
  • Put a pan on stove and turn on stove with medium heat, add 1 tbs. olive oil, and all fish in, fry the both sides of the fish, around 2-3 minutes in total. Make sure the fish cooked. Put the fish on the one side of the pan, add zucchini in a side, and cook the zucchini by using the rest of the oil in the pan. Put a pinch salt in the zucchini (option).
  • Fring zucchini with fired fish
  • Take out all fish and zucchini out to a plate for serving. Fried Zucchini with Fried Fish

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