Homemade Fried Noodle Sauce
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Sweet flour sauce is a kind of seasoning sweet, tasty sauce made from flour as the main ingredient.  It tastes sweet, salty with an abundance eatery flavor, so it is used to cook with so many food, such as, stirring frying food like, “Jing Sauce Meat”, “Fried Sauce Noodles (Zhajiangmian)” , “Spaghetti with a Twist”. Also can eat with cool vegetables and make a sandwich, such as “French break Sandwich”, a dip for roast chicken, beef, ducks, and cucumbers.

Sweet flour sauce can use as an ingredient for cooking quick easy dinner recipes. It is easy to use for everyone, whoever you are, like busy moms, busy students, active individuals, and seniors. It is easy to use.

Sweet flour sauce is rich of nutrition, but we should first look at its knowledge points: sweet paste has undergone a special fermentation process, its sweetness comes from maltose, glucose and other substances produced in the fermentation process. Taste comes from amino acids produced by protein decomposition, while salt produces salty taste. Sweet paste contains a variety of flavor substances and nutrients.

Normally, you can eat 1 to 2 oz. However, sweet flour sauce have sugar and salt, so  people with diabetes and hypertension should be careful, eat less amount.

Homemade sweet flour sauce should not touch any raw water, it should keep clean in a container within the refrigerator for 3 weeks to 3 months.


3 tbs. Olive Oil

7 oz. flour.

1/4 of cups Soy sauce

2 oz. white sugar

5 cups of water


  1. put a little oil around 3 tbs.in the wok, medium heat , then put flour in to the wok and stir a little, then add soy sauce, and 5 cup of water, 1/ 4  cup (soy sauce include salty salt, but you can add a little salt if you need more)
  2. And then put the sugar into the wok until to be dissolved. This sauce can cook Zhajiangmian (fry sauce noodles), Hui guo rou (twice cooked meats), and it is very delicious.


  1. Making sweet flour sauce is actually very simple, do not need to use yeast to ferment, the raw material is usually ready at home.
  2. To do sauce, cannot stir or stir fry, but to slowly push evenly. When seeing bubble in the wok, and smell the delicious aroma, add sugar and mix well
  3. The sauce is red, the taste is mellow. Let it cooled and put into a jar, sealed.

4 Thoughts on “Sweet Flour Sauce”

  • Hi, from my exoerience using this sweet flour popiah sauce, the normal coloring is black, but according to this recioe, its red! May i know why tge difference in color, tnxs very much.

    • Hi, Peter, thank you for your message. The sweet flour sauce usually is reddish brown. If the sauce is very thick, it may look dark.

    • Hi Peter, thank you for your question, the different amount of soy sauce can make different color of the Sweet flour Sauce.

  • Hi Sophia
    I am going to try making this sweet sauce. Pardon me, I am a little confused.
    Can clarify the amount of soy sauce used in your recipe? I do not quite understand point no. 1.
    Thank you.

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